d/ds公稱(chēng)內徑/單一內徑(Nominal bore diameter/Single bore diameter)
dmp單一平面平均內徑(Mean bore diameter;arithmetical mean of the largest samallest single bore diamerers measured in one radial plane)
△dmp單一平面平均內徑偏差(dmp-d;Deviation of mean bore diameter from the nominal dimension)
△ds單一內徑偏差(ds-d;deviation of single bore diameter from the nominal dimension)
Vdp單一徑向平面內徑變動(dòng)量(Bore diameter variation;difference between the largest & smallest single bore diameters in one radial plane)
Vdmp平均內徑變動(dòng)量(dmp max-dmp min;Mean bore diameter variation;difference between the largest & smallest mean bore diameters)
D/Ds公稱(chēng)外徑/單一外徑(Nominal outside diameter/Single outside diameter)
Dmp單一平面平均外徑(Mean outside diameter;arithmetical mean of the largest & smallest single outside diameters in one radial plane)
△Dmp單一平面平均外徑偏差(Dmp-D;Deviation of mean outside diameter from nominal dimension)
△Ds單一外徑偏差(Ds-D;Deviation of mean outside diameter from nominal dimension)
VDp單一徑向平面外徑變動(dòng)量(Outside diameter variation;difference between the largest & smallest single outside diameter in one radial plane)
VDmp平均外徑變動(dòng)量(Dmp max-Dmp min;Mean outside diameter variation;difference between the largest & smallest mean outside diameters)
Bs/Cs內圈/外圈單一寬度(Single inner ring/outer ring width)
△Bs內圈單一寬度偏差(Bs-B; Deviation of a single inner ring width from nominal dimension)
△Cs外圈單一寬度偏差(Cs-C; Deviation of a single outer ring width from nominal dimension)
VBs內圈寬度變動(dòng)量(Bs max-Bs-min; Variation of inner ring widths; difference between the largest & smallest single inner ring width)
VCs外圈寬度變動(dòng)量(Cs max-Cs min; Variation of outer ring widths; difference between the largest & smallest single outer ring width)
B,C,T軸承公稱(chēng)寬度/高度(Nominal bearing width/height)
Ts軸承實(shí)際寬度/高度(Actual bearing width/height)
△Ts軸承實(shí)際寬度/高度偏差(Deviation of the actual bearing width/height)
Kia成套軸承內圈徑向跳動(dòng)(Radial runout of assembled bearing inner ring)
Kea成套軸承外圈徑向跳動(dòng)(Radial runout of assembled bearing outer ring)
Sd內圈基準端面對內圈的跳動(dòng)(Side face runout of inner ring with reference to bore)
SD外表面母線(xiàn)對基準端面傾斜度變動(dòng)量(Variation in inclination of outside cylindrical surface to outer ring side face)
Sia成套軸承內圈軸向跳動(dòng)(Axial runout; assembled bearing inner ring face runout with raceway)
Sea成套軸承外圈軸向跳動(dòng)(Axial runout;assembled bearing;outer ring face runout with raceway)
r公稱(chēng)倒角尺寸(Norminal chamfer dimension)
rs徑向/軸向單一倒角尺寸(Radial/axial single chamfer dimension)
rs min最小徑向/軸向單一倒角尺寸(Smallest radial/axial single chamfer dimension)
rs max最大徑向/軸向單一倒角尺寸(Largest radial/axial single chamfer dimension)